Saturday, March 20, 2010



Does Your Generosity Brings Wealth?

Does Your Generosity Brings Wealth?

Many people think that rich people are selfish, that’s why they have lots of money at hand. This may be true in some cases; however, there are a lot more individuals who are wealthy because they know how to give.
When you give something from your heart without expecting anything in return, you release a powerful force that will trigger your good deed to "bounce" back to you in amazing, and sometimes unusual ways.

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Whenever possible, be generous in giving to others. You will notice that what you receive, or the return, will be more than what you give. As humans, we have the tendency to reciprocate what we receive. But don’t give for the sake of expecting something in return. Give freely from your heart, and the rewards would be greater.
The act of giving can summon the spirit of joy to come into your heart. How would you feel when you've given something to your less fortunate neighbors? Let me tell you that nothing could brighten up a day more than hearing them express their most heartfelt gratitude and seeing their smiles extend from ear to ear.

Giving is also a healthy habit. It could prolong your life by instilling within you an inner sense of peace and accomplishment.
What you give doesn’t necessarily have to be something material. It can also be time, effort, talent, service, or even an affectionate feeling.
Just like all things in life, giving has its limitations. Being too generous can have its toll. Your kindness might be taken advantage of and people might abuse your good intentions. Beware of individuals who are continuously seeking your aid. It's better to teach them how to solve their problems than to always attend to their needs.
As one saying goes ...
"Give them some fish and you'll feed them for a day. Teach them how to fish and you'll feed them for a lifetime."

Lastly, here's what I consider the most important rule about giving. Keep your good deeds to yourself. Don't announce to the whole world that you've donated $100,000 to your favorite charity or that you've helped save a child from a life-threatening disease.
If you really desire to give, do it secretly and in private.
Some people would write "anonymous" rather than their own names when they've made a contribution. The universe smiles upon these individuals, and they will get their just rewards in due time.
Consider this: If you are on the giving end, doesn’t it mean that you are in a better position than the recipient? Doesn’t it complement your character?

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